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Instructions & Frequently Asked Questions

GRCA Staff have compiled commonly asked questions, as well as basic instructions, to help you with Forest Memberships, Day Passes and use of the Ganaraska Forest.

If you still require assistance, please visit our Contact GRCA page above.

Membership Help

Website and browser caching can cause issues for users attempting to login. Closing browsers or website pages in your browser can help prevent this issue. Refreshing the page manually can also help ensure the page loads properly.

If you are having an issue logging in, please try holding down the Shift key and clicking the Refresh icon on a desktop computer. For mobile devices, you may have to clear the browser cache on your specific device

Please contact GRCA Staff if you require further assistance. Continued failed attempts can result in an account lockout.

Day Pass Help

Day Passes entitle users to participate in their selected activity for a single day in the Ganaraska Forest. Purchasers select the kind of day pass they wish to purchase and then select the date they wish to use the day pass during their registration.

The Day Pass and Parking Pass are sent to the email used during registration. Each Day Pass User account is removed from the system aft 24-hours to protect your information.

The Gatehouse Kiosk at the Ganaraska Forest Centre is also available for purchasing Day Passes.

Gift Code Help

GRCA Staff can assist you in purchasing a Gift Code for your intended recipient. 

Please contact the GRCA for assistance during office hours, Mon.–Fri. from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Ganaraska Forest Rules

All recreational users of the Ganaraska Forest (both members and day pass holders) must agree to and follow the Ganarasaka Forest Rules & Guidelines, which can be read here (PDF).

Additional information about Recreational Use of the Ganaraska Forest can be found on the GRCA website at: